
data class RetryConfig(val retryCount: Int, val failureReason: FailureReason)(source)


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constructor(retryCount: Int, failureReason: FailureReason)


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The number of the current retry (i.e. starts at 1 and counts up).


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Disables the delay limit.

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Disables the retry limit.

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fun capDelayAt(amount: Duration)

Limits the delay between retries. Duration.ZERO means all retries will happen right after one another, with no delay.

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fun capRetriesAt(amount: Int)

Limits the amount of retries. 0 (or negative numbers) mean no retries will be made.

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fun retry()

Indicates that the request should be retried.

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Indicates that the request should be dropped and not retried any further.