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class DeeplClient(authKey: String, httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine = defaultHttpClientEngine, apiUrl: String? = null, retryConfig: RetryConfig.() -> Unit? = null)

An HTTP Client that allows interaction with the DeepL API.

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interface Lang
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@Serializable(with = SourceLang.Serializer::class)
enum SourceLang : Enum<SourceLang> , Lang
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@Serializable(with = TargetLang.Serializer::class)
enum TargetLang : Enum<TargetLang> , Lang


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suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): Translation
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang, context: String): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): Translation
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang, context: String): Translation
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): Translation
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): Translation
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): TranslateResponse
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): Translation
suspend fun DeeplClient.translate(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): Translation
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suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): String
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang, context: String): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): String
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang, context: String): String
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): String
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): String
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(vararg texts: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): List<String>
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, buildOptions: TranslateOptions.() -> Unit = {}): String
suspend fun DeeplClient.translateText(text: String, to: TargetLang, from: SourceLang? = null, context: String, options: TranslateOptions = TranslateOptions()): String